Associations to the word «Belarusian»
- Minsk
- Belarus
- Ukrainian
- Lithuanian
- Ssr
- Polish
- Bulgarian
- Vilnius
- Brest
- Gymnast
- Russian
- Aleksandr
- Croatian
- Andrei
- Macedonian
- Pavel
- Yiddish
- Serbian
- Orthography
- Thrower
- Georgian
- Lithuania
- Kazakh
- Czech
- Oleg
- Rus
- Armenian
- Romanian
- Sergei
- Diaspora
- Hc
- Soviet
- Footballer
- Romani
- Uzbek
- Azerbaijani
- Partisan
- Raman
- Ussr
- Riga
- Finnish
- Alphabet
- Ethnicity
- Mikhail
- Handball
- Slav
- Olga
- Eurovision
- Yuri
- Skier
- Sprinter
- Informatics
- Vladimir
- Defenceman
- Minority
- Peasantry
- Bolshevik
- Pole
- Igor
- Duchy
- Jumper
- Jewish
- Hungarian
- Nationality
- Rower
- Activist
- Dmitri
- Governorate
- Orthodox
- Discus
- Grandmaster
- Jews
- Playing
- Chechen
- Leonid
- Socialist
- Irina
- Latvia
- Montenegrin
- Hebrew
- Sprint
- Ska
- Poland
BELARUSIAN, adjective. Of, from, or pertaining to Belarus, the Belarusian people.
BELARUSIAN, proper noun. The Slavic language spoken in Belarus (formerly called White Ruthenia or White Russia).
BELARUSIAN, noun. A citizen of Belarus.
Dictionary definition
BELARUSIAN, noun. The Slavic language spoken in Belarus.
BELARUSIAN, adjective. Of or pertaining to Belarus or to the people or culture of Belarus.
Wise words
All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing
them for the first time.