Associations to the word «Ssr»
- Ukrainian
- Kazakh
- Georgian
- Uzbek
- Lithuanian
- Armenian
- Azerbaijan
- Azerbaijani
- Yerevan
- Belarusian
- Donetsk
- Ussr
- Tbilisi
- Baku
- Minsk
- Oblast
- Kiev
- Finnish
- Odessa
- Moldova
- Vilnius
- Riga
- Soviet
- Belarus
- Ukraine
- Crimea
- Uzbekistan
- Midfielder
- Tallinn
- Socialist
- Tajikistan
- Soviets
- Armenia
- Kazakhstan
- Governorate
- Latvia
- Rayon
- Lithuania
- Molotov
- Anthem
- Turkmenistan
- Stalin
- Kyrgyzstan
- Nikita
- Russian
- Communist
- Bolshevik
- Leonid
- Greco
- Estonia
- Leningrad
- Sickle
- Oleg
- Aleksandr
- Alma
- Laureate
- Defender
- Striker
- Republic
- Guards
- Chechen
- Decree
- Dynamo
- Caucasus
- Wrestler
- Lenin
- Mikhail
- Emblem
- Sergei
- Chevrolet
- Igor
- Goalkeeper
- Sovereignty
- Annexation
- Deportation
- Acad
- Deputy
- Andrei
SSR, noun. (historical) Soviet Socialist Republic
SSR, noun. (US) (military) (nautical) (obsolete) Sub Surface Radar — a radar picket submarine
SSR, noun. (aviation) (travel industry) Special Service Requirement (or Request).
SSR, noun. (statistics) sum of squared residuals
Wise words
However many holy words you read, however many you speak,
what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?