Associations to the word «Decree»


DECREE, noun. An edict or law.
DECREE, noun. (legal) The judicial decision in a litigated cause rendered by a court of equity.
DECREE, noun. (legal) The determination of a cause in a court of admiralty or court of probate.
DECREE, verb. To command by a decree.
DECREE ABSOLUTE, noun. (legal) the official decree marking the legal end of a marriage, allowing the two people to remarry; it follows the decree nisi after six weeks (in Britain)
DECREE ARBITRAL, noun. (Scotland) (legal) An award made by an arbiter
DECREE NISI, noun. (legal) a decree issued on a first petition for divorce; it becomes absolute at some later date unless cause is shown why it should not

Dictionary definition

DECREE, noun. A legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge); "a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there".
DECREE, verb. Issue a decree; "The King only can decree".
DECREE, verb. Decide with authority; "The King decreed that all firstborn males should be killed".

Wise words

Be generous with kindly words, especially about those who are absent.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe