Associations to the word «Lawful»
- Sovereign
- Neutral
- Combatant
- Disobedience
- Impediment
- Inquest
- Interception
- Alignment
- Detention
- Heir
- Possessor
- Firearm
- Obedience
- Filing
- Cleric
- Oath
- Legality
- Proclamation
- Plunder
- Intercept
- Spouse
- Allah
- Claimant
- Custody
- Magistrate
- Captive
- Hereafter
- Offence
- Arrest
- Allegiance
- Quixote
- Consent
- Alms
- Sabbath
- Sacrament
- Warrant
- Wherefore
- Recourse
- Ordinance
- Tyrant
- Overseer
- Felony
- Precept
- Tyranny
- Necessary
- Justification
- Authority
- Statute
- Writ
- Chivalry
- Adultery
- Approbation
- Sancho
LAWFUL, adjective. Conforming to, or recognised by law or rules.
LAWFUL INTERCEPTION, noun. Wiretapping
LAWFUL INTERCEPTIONS, noun. Plural of lawful interception
Dictionary definition
LAWFUL, adjective. Conformable to or allowed by law; "lawful methods of dissent".
LAWFUL, adjective. According to custom or rule or natural law.
LAWFUL, adjective. Having a legally established claim; "the legitimate heir"; "the true and lawful king".
LAWFUL, adjective. Authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law; "a legitimate government".
Wise words
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events,
not of words. Trust movement.