Associations to the word «Captive»


CAPTIVE, noun. One who has been captured or is otherwise confined.
CAPTIVE, noun. One held prisoner.
CAPTIVE, noun. (figurative) One charmed or subdued by beauty, excellence, or affection; one who is captivated.
CAPTIVE, adjective. Held prisoner; not free; confined.
CAPTIVE, adjective. Subdued by love; charmed; captivated.
CAPTIVE, adjective. Of or relating to bondage or confinement; serving to confine.

Dictionary definition

CAPTIVE, noun. A person who is confined; especially a prisoner of war.
CAPTIVE, noun. An animal that is confined.
CAPTIVE, noun. A person held in the grip of a strong emotion or passion.
CAPTIVE, adjective. Being in captivity.
CAPTIVE, adjective. Giving or marked by complete attention to; "that engrossed look or rapt delight"; "then wrapped in dreams"; "so intent on this fantastic...narrative that she hardly stirred"- Walter de la Mare; "rapt with wonder"; "wrapped in thought".

Wise words

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery