Associations to the word «Interrogation»


INTERROGATION, noun. The act of interrogating or questioning; examination by questions; inquiry.
INTERROGATION, noun. A question put; an inquiry.
INTERROGATION, noun. A point, mark, or sign, thus ?, indicating that the sentence with which it is connected is a question. It is used to express doubt, or to mark a query. Called also interrogation point.
INTERROGATION MARK, noun. A question mark.
INTERROGATION MARKS, noun. Plural of interrogation mark
INTERROGATION POINT, noun. A question mark.
INTERROGATION POINTS, noun. Plural of interrogation point

Dictionary definition

INTERROGATION, noun. A sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply; "he asked a direct question"; "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations".
INTERROGATION, noun. A transmission that will trigger an answering transmission from a transponder.
INTERROGATION, noun. Formal systematic questioning.
INTERROGATION, noun. An instance of questioning; "there was a question about my training"; "we made inquiries of all those who were present".

Wise words

Where words fail, music speaks.
Hans Christian Anderson