Associations to the word «Captor»
- Captive
- Captivity
- Hostage
- Ransom
- Prisoner
- Pow
- Malwa
- Escape
- Torture
- Parole
- Ashe
- Wrench
- Booty
- Helium
- Interrogation
- Tara
- Bondage
- Confinement
- Brutality
- Renie
- Nimitz
- Capture
- Humiliation
- Grasp
- Struggling
- Condemnation
- Internment
- Grip
- Fourteen
- Rescue
- Imprisonment
- Tarzan
- Bertha
- Cannibal
- Stockholm
- Burnham
- Slave
- Kidnapping
- Ruse
- Defiance
- Eta
- Desertion
- Savior
- Orc
- Hearst
- Bounty
- Mercy
- Galley
- Ration
- Ape
- Groin
- Fawn
- Lancelot
- Scarlett
- Ninja
CAPTOR, noun. One who is holding a captive or captives.
CAPTOR, noun. One who catches or has caught or captured something or someone.
Dictionary definition
CAPTOR, noun. A person who captures and holds people or animals.
Wise words
More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the
words men use.