Associations to the word «Parole»


PAROLE, noun. The release or state of a former prisoner on the understanding that he/she checks in regularly and obeys the law.
PAROLE, noun. The amount of time a former prisoner spends on limited release.
PAROLE, noun. (archaic) A word of honor, especially given by a prisoner of war, to not engage in combat if released.
PAROLE, noun. (linguistics) Language in use, as opposed to language as a system.
PAROLE, noun. (US) (immigration law) The permission for foreigner who does not meet the technical requirements for a visa to be allowed to enter the U.S. on humanitarian grounds.
PAROLE, noun. A watchword given only to officers of guards; distinguished from the countersign, which is given to all guards.
PAROLE, noun. (legal) An oral declaration; see parol.
PAROLE, verb. (transitive) To release (a prisoner) on the understanding that s/he checks in regularly and obeys the law.
PAROLE BOARD, noun. A panel of people who decide if a prisoner should be released on parole.
PAROLE OFFICER, noun. A law enforcement officer who supervises offenders who have been released from incarceration and, often, recommends sentencing in courts of law.
PAROLE OFFICERS, noun. Plural of parole officer

Dictionary definition

PAROLE, noun. A promise; "he gave his word".
PAROLE, noun. A secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group; "he forgot the password".
PAROLE, noun. (law) a conditional release from imprisonment that entitles the person to serve the remainder of the sentence outside the prison as long as the terms of release are complied with.
PAROLE, verb. Release a criminal from detention and place him on parole; "The prisoner was paroled after serving 10 years in prison".

Wise words

There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind must lie.