Associations to the word «Eligible»
- Medicare
- Enrollment
- Eligibility
- Beneficiary
- Voter
- Visa
- Bowl
- Arbitration
- Compensation
- Skater
- Ncaa
- Certification
- Grade
- Register
- Benefit
- Vote
- Percentage
- Stu
- Elias
- Payment
- Coverage
- Requirement
- Dent
- Parole
- Citizen
- Player
- Lunch
- Vacancy
- Dual
- Category
- Resident
- Team
- Turnout
- Caretaker
- Applicant
- Screening
- Ballot
- Patent
- Citizenship
- Finisher
- Preference
- Subsidy
- Pupil
- Bureau
- Evaluation
- Tuition
- Placement
- Athletics
- Membership
- Minimum
- Funding
- Swimmer
- Waiver
- Draft
- Disability
- Residency
- Student
- Free
- Housemate
- Passport
- Criterion
- Exemption
- Conscription
ELIGIBLE, adjective. Suitable; meeting the conditions; worthy of being chosen; allowed to do something.
ELIGIBLE, noun. One who is eligible.
Dictionary definition
ELIGIBLE, adjective. Qualified for or allowed or worthy of being chosen; "eligible to run for office"; "eligible for retirement benefits"; "an eligible bachelor".
Wise words
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more
value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an
idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words,
but a great deal in a few.