Associations to the word «Dent»
- Stu
- Classroom
- Hull
- Talon
- Teacher
- Gotham
- Learning
- Student
- Armor
- Susie
- Midi
- Batman
- Joker
- Scratch
- Blanche
- Fist
- Harvey
- Ro
- Billboard
- Prefect
- Lester
- Vernon
- Bullet
- Hood
- Lyndon
- Chart
- Plate
- Ivor
- Nixon
- Dependent
- Lancelot
- Arthur
- Proficiency
- Truman
- Ulysses
- Skin
- Phelps
- Fender
- Enrollment
- Woodrow
- Questionnaire
- Yankee
- Cedric
- Roosevelt
- Ary
- Impeachment
- Rust
- Ar
- Dentistry
- Harassment
- Mastering
- Fingertip
- Ries
- Respondent
- Tice
- Estab
- Variable
- Curriculum
- Taft
- Sword
- Scrape
- Massif
- Clinton
- Reagan
- Hispanic
- Nasser
- Cumbria
- Eisenhower
- Countdown
- Alps
- Mont
- Veto
- Horseshoe
- Tuition
- Maize
- Sev
- Aux
- Interviewer
- Windshield
- Chin
- Ber
- Leone
DENT, noun. A shallow deformation in the surface of an object, produced by an impact.
DENT, noun. (by extension) (informal) A sudden negative change, such as loss, damage, weakening, consumption or diminution, especially one produced by an external force, event or action
DENT, verb. (transitive) To impact something, producing a dent.
DENT, verb. (intransitive) To develop a dent or dents.
DENT, noun. (engineering) A tooth, as of a card, a gear wheel, etc.
Dictionary definition
DENT, noun. An appreciable consequence (especially a lessening); "it made a dent in my bank account".
DENT, noun. A depression scratched or carved into a surface.
DENT, noun. An impression in a surface (as made by a blow).
DENT, verb. Make a depression into; "The bicycle dented my car".
Wise words
A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is
the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color
and content according to the circumstances and time in which
it is used.