Associations to the word «Veto»
- Override
- Appropriation
- Legislation
- Bill
- Legislature
- Gaulle
- Ordinance
- Freedman
- Taft
- Repeal
- Truman
- Assent
- Tribune
- Governor
- Resolution
- Reagan
- Legislator
- Abortion
- Romney
- Woodrow
- Bills
- Nixon
- Authorization
- Lords
- Referendum
- Senate
- Disapproval
- Proposal
- Congress
- Vote
- Clinton
- Grover
- Hartley
- President
- Veto
- Third
- Amendment
- Sanction
- Charter
- Appointment
- Tariff
- Bush
- Majority
- Mayor
- Budget
- Spending
- Constitution
- Decree
- Reconstruction
- Compromise
- Nations
- Approval
- Presidency
- Council
- Session
- Funding
- Ban
- Objection
- Provision
- Measure
- Roosevelt
- Assembly
- Republican
- Magistrate
- Ratification
- Hayes
- Hoover
- Un
- Johnson
- Act
VETO, noun. A political right to disapprove of (and thereby stop) the process of a decision, a law etc.
VETO, noun. An invocation of that right.
VETO, noun. An authoritative prohibition or negative; a forbidding; an interdiction.
VETO, verb. (transitive) To use a veto against.
Dictionary definition
VETO, noun. A vote that blocks a decision.
VETO, noun. The power or right to prohibit or reject a proposed or intended act (especially the power of a chief executive to reject a bill passed by the legislature).
VETO, verb. Vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent; "The President vetoed the bill".
VETO, verb. Command against; "I forbid you to call me late at night"; "Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store"; "Dad nixed our plans".
Wise words
Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary
meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the
truants in custody and bring them back to their right