Associations to the word «Adjourn»
- Sine
- Inquest
- Albany
- Capitol
- Legislature
- Recess
- Session
- Sitting
- Coroner
- Hearing
- Veto
- Meeting
- Bail
- Convention
- Refreshment
- Congress
- Impeachment
- Senate
- Motion
- Delegate
- Debate
- Proceeding
- Monday
- Morrow
- Verdict
- Consent
- Assembly
- Lunch
- Precedence
- Court
- Parlour
- Trial
- Defendant
- Inquiry
- Appropriation
- Supper
- Magistrate
- Fortnight
- Parliament
- Clock
- Elect
- Attendance
- Caucus
- Die
- Legislator
- Jury
- Tavern
- Fix
- Fitch
- Counsel
- Ballot
- Luncheon
- Disagreement
- Plea
- Thursday
- Dinner
- Tuesday
- Judge
- Vote
- Speaker
- Salvage
- Tomorrow
- Resolution
- Consideration
- Grievance
- Witness
ADJOURN, verb. (transitive) To postpone.
ADJOURN, verb. (transitive) To defer; to put off temporarily or indefinitely.
ADJOURN, verb. (intransitive) To end or suspend an event.
ADJOURN, verb. (intransitive) (formal) (uncommon) To move from one place to another.
Dictionary definition
ADJOURN, verb. Close at the end of a session; "The court adjourned".
ADJOURN, verb. Break from a meeting or gathering; "We adjourned for lunch"; "The men retired to the library".
Wise words
The difference between the right word and the almost right
word is the difference between lightning and a lightning