Associations to the word «Fitch»
- Moody
- Clyde
- Steamboat
- Rankin
- Ufc
- Marston
- Morley
- Aubrey
- Elliott
- Rating
- Courtroom
- Bb
- Konrad
- Shepard
- Aaa
- Swanson
- Outlook
- Asa
- Juror
- Fulton
- Ezra
- Retailer
- Dalton
- Hughes
- Jon
- Frederic
- Harley
- Slater
- Aa
- Ymca
- Tko
- Quill
- Val
- Default
- Briefcase
- Celtic
- Cunningham
- Riley
- Ralph
- Cleveland
- Alison
- Buffalo
- Katie
- Walters
- Pang
- Rematch
- Leroy
- Nike
- Prescott
- Corvette
- Janet
- Verdict
- Connecticut
- Inventor
- Everest
- Choke
- Hooker
- Junk
- Bellow
- Apparel
- Fax
- Drummond
- Clemens
- Jury
- Conti
- Nathaniel
- Forster
- Flinder
- Vernon
- Jenna
- Bassett
- Memo
- Investor
- Hood
- Kathryn
- Knowles
- Watkins
- Winthrop
- Shields
- Flagship
- Easter
- Scam
- Credit
- Fitzroy
- Rowley
- Camper
- Store
- Rodney
- Haynes
- Hearst
- Clermont
- Calculus
FITCH, noun. The European polecat, Mustela putorius.
FITCH, noun. The skin of the polecat
FITCH, noun. (obsolete) A word found in the Authorized Version of the Bible, representing different Hebrew originals. In Isaiah xxviii. 25, 27, it means the black aromatic seeds of Nigella sativa. In Ezekiel iv. 9, the Revised Version now reads "spelt".
Dictionary definition
FITCH, noun. Dark brown mustelid of woodlands of Eurasia that gives off an unpleasant odor when threatened.
Wise words
Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for
people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or