Associations to the word «Aa»


AA, symbol. A standard size of dry cell battery between AAA and C.
AA, symbol. A bond rating.
AA, symbol. A brassiere size.
AA, symbol. A minor league in baseball, just below AAA.
AA, noun. Initialism of affirmative action.
AA, noun. Initialism of African-American.
AA, noun. Initialism of air armament.
AA, noun. Initialism of air attaché.
AA, noun. Initialism of aircraft apprentice.
AA, noun. Initialism of aircraft artificer.
AA, noun. Initialism of anti-aicraft.
AA, noun. Initialism of airman apprentice.
AA, noun. Initialism of absolute alcohol.
AA, noun. Initialism of absolute altitude.
AA, noun. Initialism of achievement age.
AA, noun. Initialism of acting appointment.
AA, noun. Initialism of administrative assistant.
AA, noun. Initialism of adoption agency.
AA, noun. Initialism of armament artificer.
AA, noun. Initialism of athletic association.
AA, noun. Initialism of author's alteration.
AA, noun. (military) Initialism of avenue of approach.
AA, noun. Initialism of aviation annex.
AA, noun. (chemistry) Initialism of amino acid.
AA, noun. (chemistry) Initialism of aminoacyl.
AA, noun. Initialism of Asian-African.
AA, noun. (military) Initialism of assembly area.
AA, noun. Initialism of assistant adjutant.
AA, noun. Initialism of Associate of arts.
AA, noun. Initialism of appropriate authority.
AA, noun. Initialism of approximate absolute.
AA, noun. Initialism of arithmetic average.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Academy Awards.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Addicts Anonymous.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Al Ain.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Aerolineas Argentinas.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Air Almanac, a publication.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Airports Authority of India.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Alcoholics Anonymous.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Aluminum America., a corporation
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Aluminum Assoication.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Alzheimer's Association.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of American Airlines.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of American Anthropologist.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of American Association.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Ann Arbor Railroad.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Ansett Airways.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Arlington Annex.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Armed Forces in the Americas., (USPS abbreviation code)
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Army Act.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Astronautica Acta, a publication.
AA, proper noun. Initialism of Astrum Argenteum., Esoteric Magickal order or Silver star, a magickal order.
AA, proper noun. (UK) Initialism of The Automobile Association.
AA, proper noun. (dated) (Russia) Initialism of aviatsionnaya Armiya.
AA, adjective. Initialism of anti-aircraft.
AA, noun. (volcanology) A form of lava flow associated with Hawaiian-type volcanoes, consisting of basaltic rock, usually dark-colored with a jagged and loose, clinkery surface. Compare pahoehoe. [First attested in the mid 19th century.]
AA, noun. Initialism of acetic acid.
AA, noun. Initialism of acting age.
AA, noun. (medical) Initialism of alveolar-arterial.
AA, noun. Initialism of aminoacetone.
AA, noun. Initialism of amino acid.
AA, noun. Initialism of approximate absolute.
AA, noun. Initialism of arachidonic acid.
AA, noun. Initialism of armature accelerator.
AA, noun. Initialism of ascending aorta.
AA, noun. Initialism of atomic absorption.
AA, noun. Initialism of author's alteration.
AA, noun. Initialism of average audience.
AA, adjective. Initialism of arctic-alpine.
AA, adjective. Initialism of always afloat.
AA, noun. Abbreviation of adjectives.
AA, noun. Abbreviation of arteries.
AA, adjective. Abbreviation of ana.
AA, symbol. (metrology) Symbol for the attoampere, an SI unit of electrical current equal to 10−18 amperes.
AA, symbol. (obsolete) (metrology) Symbol for the abampere, a CGS unit of electrical current equal to 10 amperes.
AA, proper noun. A taxonomic genus within the family Orchidaceae   — a group of orchids of cool climates in Latin America.
AA, proper noun. A taxonomic subgenus within the family Euconulidae   — a group of snails.
ĀĀ, abbreviation. (medicine) Prescription notation: The stated amount of each of the substances is to be used in the compounding of the prescription
AA & A, noun. (military) Initialism of armor., armament, and ammunition.

Dictionary definition

AA, noun. A dry form of lava resembling clinkers.
AA, noun. An international organization that provides a support group for persons trying to overcome alcoholism.
AA, noun. An associate degree in arts.

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