Associations to the word «Harrisburg»
- Susquehanna
- Dauphin
- Gettysburg
- Galveston
- Islander
- Pennsylvania
- Amtrak
- Carlisle
- Pa
- Scranton
- Keystone
- Lancaster
- Stampede
- Metropolitan
- Penn
- Cumberland
- Barre
- Pittsburgh
- Philadelphia
- Capitol
- Potomac
- Trenton
- Wilkes
- Lehigh
- Turnpike
- Baltimore
- Septum
- Bayou
- Akron
- Wilmington
- Lebanon
- Senator
- Aa
- Expo
- Erie
- Electrification
- Lobbying
- Syracuse
- Railroad
- Whitaker
- Allegheny
- Soccer
- Roanoke
- Norfolk
- Commuter
- Hanover
- Bethlehem
- Tuition
- Patriot
- Shawnee
- Expressway
- Albany
- Affiliate
- Illinois
- Longitude
- Kicker
- Trinity
- Maryland
- Downtown
- Interchange
- Aaa
- Delaware
- Easton
- Paolo
- Pensacola
- Campus
- Freeway
- Houston
- Rockwell
- Trolley
- Charleston
- Freight
- Sioux
- Harris
- Lynx
- Mccormick
- Tko
- Commonwealth
- Pike
- Columbus
- Mcfarland
- Skyline
HARRISBURG, proper noun. The capital of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania
HARRISBURG, proper noun. Several other places in the United States and Canada
Dictionary definition
HARRISBURG, noun. Capital of Pennsylvania; located in southern part of state.
Wise words
Men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues,
and can moderate their desires more than their words.