Associations to the word «Bethlehem»
- Lehigh
- Nativity
- Nazareth
- Herod
- Steel
- Shipbuilding
- Shipyard
- Easton
- Galilee
- Magus
- Quincy
- Staten
- Jerusalem
- Sparrow
- Northampton
- Palestinian
- Jericho
- Judah
- Fairfield
- Pennsylvania
- Sands
- Messiah
- Shepherd
- Palestine
- Wadi
- Pa
- Governorate
- Pike
- Keel
- Gaza
- Babe
- Jerome
- Birthplace
- Dd
- Jesus
- Susquehanna
- Albany
- Corp
- Saviour
- Naomi
- Innocent
- Burgher
- Scranton
- Grotto
- Christmas
- Corporation
- Harrisburg
- Massachusetts
- Overhaul
- Amman
- Pilgrimage
- Basilica
- Callahan
- Adoration
- Haifa
- Maryland
- Bach
- Damascus
- Rachel
- Larson
- Nj
- Salem
- Septum
- Baltimore
- Township
- Wilmington
- Turnpike
- Metropolitan
- Pilgrim
- Stark
- Bethel
- Casino
- Zion
- Luke
- Barre
- Christ
- Gospel
- Lutheran
- Ephraim
- Virgin
- Checkpoint
- Quintet
- Aviv
BETHLEHEM, proper noun. A city in Palestine, believed to be the birthplace of Jesus.
BETHLEHEM, noun. (obsolete) A lunatic asylum.
BETHLEHEM, noun. (architecture) In the Ethiopic church, a small building attached to a church edifice, in which the bread for the Eucharist is made.
Dictionary definition
BETHLEHEM, noun. A town in eastern Pennsylvania on the Lehigh River to the northwest of Philadelphia; an important center for steel production.
BETHLEHEM, noun. A small town near Jerusalem on the West Bank of the Jordan River; early home of David and regarded as the place where Jesus was born.
Wise words
Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the
human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning.