Associations to the word «Holy»


HOLY, adjective. Dedicated to a religious purpose or a god.
HOLY, adjective. Revered in a religion.
HOLY, adjective. Perfect or flawless.
HOLY, adjective. Separated or set apart from (something unto something or someone else).
HOLY, adjective. Set apart or dedicated for a specific purpose, or for use by a single entity or person.
HOLY, adjective. (slang) Used as an intensifier in various interjections.
HOLY, noun. (archaic) A thing that is extremely holy; used almost exclusively in Holy of Holies.
HOLY, adjective. Alternative letter-case form of holy used when referring to an important figure, such as God, or to an important item or event.
HOLY ALLIANCE, proper noun. Coalition of Russia, Austria and Prussia created in 1815.
HOLY BARK, noun. Cascara sagrada
HOLY BASIL, noun. Ocimum tenuiflorum, an aromatic plant cultivated for religious, medicinal, and culinary purposes and for its essential oil.
HOLY BOOK, proper noun. (Christianity) The Bible.
HOLY BOOK, proper noun. (Baha'i) The Aqdas.
HOLY BOOK, proper noun. (Islam) The Koran.
HOLY BREAD, noun. The consecrated bread used in the Eucharist.
HOLY CARD, noun. A small, mass-produced devotional picture
HOLY COMMUNION, proper noun. A Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper of Christ, with the physical forms of bread and usually wine which are believed by certain denominations to become Christ himself or to host his spiritual presence.
HOLY COW, interjection. (idiomatic) An exclamation of surprise or astonishment.
HOLY CRAP, interjection. (idiomatic) (slang) (vulgar) An expression of amazement: holy cow, holy shit.
HOLY CRAP ON A CRACKER, interjection. (idiomatic) Emphatic form of holy crap.
HOLY CRICKET, interjection. A interjection showing an extreme form of surprise that can be used for both positive and negative moments of sudden enlightenment (like an epiphany); oh my God, great Scott.
HOLY CRICKETS, interjection. (idiomatic) An expression of surprise or astonishment.
HOLY CROSS, noun. A cross as a Christian symbol of the crucifixion of Christ
HOLY CROSS, proper noun. A city in Alaska.
HOLY CROSS, proper noun. A city in Iowa.
HOLY CROW, interjection. A mild oath.
HOLY DAMN, interjection. (vulgar) Exclamation of shock, surprise, or both.
HOLY DAY, noun. (religion) a religious festival
HOLY DAYS, noun. Plural of feast day
HOLY FAMILY, noun. Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and Joseph.
HOLY FATHER, proper noun. The God in various Christian religions.
HOLY FATHER, proper noun. The title of the Pope of the Catholic Church.
HOLY FUCK, interjection. (idiomatic) (vulgar slang) Expression of terror, awe, surprise, shock, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.
HOLY GHOST, proper noun. (Christianity) The aspect (hypostasis) of the Trinity or Godhead corresponding to divine essence present in the faithful (particularly inspired prophets) and considered to proceed either from (Eastern Orthodoxy) God the Father alone or (Roman Catholicism) from Him together with God the Son
HOLY GHOST, noun. The plant Angelica archangelica.
HOLY GRAIL, proper noun. An artifact in Christian mythology, being the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper and in which some of his blood was caught during the crucifixion.
HOLY GRAIL, noun. A distant, near-impossible goal.
HOLY GRAILS, noun. Plural of holy grail
HOLY GRASS, noun. Hierochloe odorata or Anthoxanthum nitens, an aromatic herb native to northern Eurasia and North America.
HOLY GUACAMOLE, interjection. (slang) An exclamation said when surprised, used when in shock or disbelief.
HOLY HELL, interjection. An exclamation of surprise or astonishment.
HOLY HOUR, noun. (Christianity) the hour of fasting and prayer before communion is to be taken.
HOLY HOUR, noun. (Ireland) (informal) the hour between 2.30 pm and 3.30 pm that pubs formerly had to shut to comply with licencing laws.
HOLY KAMOLEY, interjection. Variant form of holy moley.
HOLY KAMOLY, interjection. Alternative spelling of holy kamoley
HOLY LAND, proper noun. (Judaism) (Christianity) (Islam) That part of Asia, consisting mostly of Israel and Palestine, in which most Biblical events are set.
HOLY MACKEREL, interjection. (idiomatic) (humorous or euphemistic) An expression of surprise.
HOLY MOLEY, interjection. (idiomatic) (dated) (humorous or euphemistic) An expression of surprise
HOLY MOLY, interjection. Alternative spelling of holy moley
HOLY MOSES, interjection. (mildly blasphemous) expression of surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration.
HOLY MOTHER, interjection. (blasphemous) expression of surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration.
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, interjection. (blasphemous) expression of surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration.
HOLY OF HOLIES, proper noun. The most sacred place within a sacred building.
HOLY OF HOLIES, proper noun. (informal) (humorous) One's private retreat, inner sanctum.
HOLY OF HOLIES, noun. Alternative spelling of Holy of Holies
HOLY ROLLER, noun. (informal) (usually derogatory) A member of any Christian church characterized by ecstatic behaviour; especially of the Pentecostal Church.
HOLY ROLLER, noun. (informal) (pejorative) A devoutly religious Christian person.
HOLY ROLLERS, noun. Plural of Holy Roller
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, proper noun. A political conglomeration of lands in Central Europe from at least 962 CE until 1806.
HOLY SATURDAY, noun. The Saturday immediately after Good Friday and before Easter.
HOLY SEE, proper noun. The episcopal jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome, commonly known as the Pope. It is the preeminent see of the Catholic Church. It is also the sovereign entity headed by the Pope which governs the Vatican and represents the Catholic Church in temporal affairs.
HOLY SHIT, interjection. (idiomatic) (vulgar) (slang) Expression of terror, awe, surprise, astonishment, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.
HOLY SMOKE, interjection. (idiomatic) (dated) An expression of surprise.
HOLY SPIRIT, proper noun. (Christianity) The aspect (hypostasis) of the Trinity or Godhead corresponding to divine essence present in the faithful (particularly inspired prophets) and considered to proceed either from (Eastern Orthodoxy) God the Father alone or (Roman Catholicism) from Him together with God the Son.
HOLY SPIRIT, proper noun. (Judaism) The spirit of God, especially the gifts of wisdom and prophecy.
HOLY SPIRIT, proper noun. (Islam) The spirit of God, especially in its inspiration of prophets and quickening of fetuses.
HOLY SPIRIT, proper noun. (Islam) The archangel Gabriel.
HOLY THURSDAY, proper noun. (Christianity) Maundy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter
HOLY TOLEDO, interjection. An exclamation of surprise or astonishment.
HOLY TRINITY, proper noun. (Christianity) The three persons of the Godhead: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
HOLY TRINITY, proper noun. (US) (informal) Three prestigious colleges in the US: Harvard, Yale, and Princeton
HOLY TRINITY, proper noun. (US) (informal) celery, bell peppers and onions, three important ingredients in Cajun cuisine
HOLY WAR, noun. A war that is entirely, primarily, or ostensibly religious in motivation; a war over religion.
HOLY WARS, noun. Plural of holy war
HOLY WATER, noun. (Christianity) In certain Christian churches, water that has been sanctified by a priest or bishop for the purpose of baptism or for the blessing of persons, places, or things.
HOLY WATER SPRINKLER, noun. A 16th century spiked mace similar to a morning star used mainly in England as a weapon
HOLY WATER SPRINKLER, noun. Aspergillum
HOLY WATERS, noun. Plural of holy water
HOLY WEDNESDAY, noun. The Wednesday of Holy Week; the day before Maundy Thursday.
HOLY WEEK, proper noun. The week preceding Easter containing Palm Sunday, Spy Wednesday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday.
HOLY WILLIE, noun. A person who is hypocritically pious
HOLY WILLIES, noun. Plural of Holy Willie
HOLY WRIT, noun. The Bible.
HOLY WRIT, noun. The sacred writings of the Christian religion.
HOLY WRIT, noun. The sacred writings of any religion.

Dictionary definition

HOLY, noun. A sacred place of pilgrimage.
HOLY, adjective. Belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power.

Wise words

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.