Associations to the word «Township»
- Odd
- Susquehanna
- Fayette
- Capita
- Turnout
- Asian
- Pleasant
- Makeup
- Cass
- County
- Indiana
- Allegheny
- Lehigh
- Fairfield
- Milford
- Bucks
- Huron
- Monroe
- Bloomfield
- Portage
- Burlington
- Pennsylvania
- Decatur
- Polk
- Census
- Reeve
- Monmouth
- Bethel
- Burma
- Hanover
- Benton
- Governed
- Income
- Jersey
- Ohio
- Minnesota
- Bureau
- Zip
- Mercer
- Greenfield
- Dakota
- Creek
- Ewing
- Borough
- Northeast
- Illinois
- Shelby
- Iowa
- Trustee
- Elk
- Marion
- Farmland
- Ballot
- Darby
- Pike
- Delaware
- Easterly
- Southwest
- Boone
- Dauphin
- Salem
- Franklin
- Turnpike
- Springfield
- Islander
- Bethlehem
- Whitehall
- Buena
- Trenton
- Fulton
- Montgomery
- Subdistrict
- Cedar
- Champaign
- Jefferson
- Hickory
- Household
- Beaver
- Gloucester
TOWNSHIP, noun. The territory of a town; a subdivision of a county.
TOWNSHIP, noun. (South African English) (Pre 1994) An area set aside for nonwhite occupation.
TOWNSHIP, noun. (South African English) (Post 1994) A nonwhite (usually subeconomic) area attached to a city.
Dictionary definition
TOWNSHIP, noun. An administrative division of a county; "the town is responsible for snow removal".
Wise words
A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is
the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color
and content according to the circumstances and time in which
it is used.