Associations to the word «Greenfield»


GREENFIELD, noun. A site, to be used for housing or commerce, whose previous use (if any) was agricultural
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A surname​.
GREENFIELD, proper noun. One of four communities in Nova Scotia, Canada
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A city in Illinois
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A city in Indiana
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A city in Iowa
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A city in Massachusetts
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A city in Minnesota
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A city in Missouri
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A town in New Hampshire
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A town in New York
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A village in Ohio
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A city in Tennessee
GREENFIELD, proper noun. A city and one of three towns in Wisconsin

Wise words

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
Mohandas Gandhi