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Associations to the word «Income»


INCOME, noun. Money one earns by working or by capitalising on the work of others.
INCOME, noun. (obsolete) A coming in; arrival; entrance; introduction.
INCOME, noun. (archaic or dialectal) (Scotland) A newcomer or arrival; an incomer.
INCOME, noun. (obsolete) An entrance-fee.
INCOME, noun. (archaic) A coming in as by influx or inspiration, hence, an inspired quality or characteristic, as courage or zeal; an inflowing principle.
INCOME, noun. (UK dialectal) (Scotland) A disease or ailment without known or apparent cause, as distinguished from one induced by accident or contagion; an oncome.
INCOME, noun. That which is taken into the body as food; the ingesta; sometimes restricted to the nutritive, or digestible, portion of the food.
INCOME STATEMENT, noun. (accounting) A calculation which shows the profit or loss of an accounting unit (company, municipality, foundation etc.) during a specific period of time, providing a summary of how the profit or loss is calculated from gross revenue and expenses.
INCOME SUPPORT, noun. (UK) A financial benefit for people on a low income.
INCOME TAX, noun. A tax levied on earned and unearned income, net of allowed deductions.
INCOME TAX RETURN, noun. An official document that income tax payers are required to complete to state income amounts, deductions, contributions and related financial information for tax purposes.
INCOME TAX RETURNS, noun. Plural of income tax return
INCOME TAXES, noun. Plural of income tax

Dictionary definition

INCOME, noun. The financial gain (earned or unearned) accruing over a given period of time.

Wise words

All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.
Kahlil Gibran