Associations to the word «Affordable»
- Housing
- Homelessness
- Medicare
- Repeal
- Healthcare
- Homeowner
- Efficient
- Safe
- Subsidy
- Mortgage
- Care
- Protection
- Insurance
- Availability
- Mandate
- Price
- Slum
- Premium
- Reconciliation
- Shortage
- Moderate
- Tuition
- Redevelopment
- Practical
- Financing
- Rent
- Retail
- Access
- Incentive
- Consumer
- Freddie
- Chinatown
- Developer
- Condominium
- Buyer
- Lender
- Act
- Coverage
- Lending
- Marketplace
- Cooperative
- Abortion
- Taxpayer
- Health
- Cost
- Advent
- Income
- Mae
- Advocacy
- Option
- Compact
- Workforce
- Accommodation
- Provision
- Tenant
- Initiative
- Occupancy
- Neighborhood
- Costing
- Resident
- Legislation
AFFORDABLE, adjective. Able to be afforded
AFFORDABLE LUXURIES, noun. Plural of affordable luxury
AFFORDABLE LUXURY, noun. An alluring good or service with a steep but affordable price.
Dictionary definition
AFFORDABLE, adjective. That you have the financial means for; "low-cost housing".
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.