Associations to the word «Lending»
- Lender
- Mortgage
- Borrowing
- Imf
- Loan
- Banking
- Financing
- Saving
- Investing
- Bank
- Deposit
- Equity
- Credit
- Creditor
- Consumer
- Asset
- Finance
- Homeowner
- Debt
- Investor
- Marketplace
- Library
- Peer
- Default
- Investment
- Recession
- Retail
- Money
- Broker
- Portfolio
- Institution
- Disclosure
- Credibility
- Banks
- Regulator
- Legitimacy
- Valuation
- Appraisal
- Solidarity
- Inflation
- Debtor
- Mae
- Micro
- Fund
- Insider
- Insurance
- Currency
- Transaction
- Crisis
- Banker
- Guarantee
- Sector
- Payment
- Freddie
- Leverage
- Bankruptcy
- Bubble
- Treasury
- Rate
- Liability
- Installment
- Capitalist
- Market
- Cooperative
- Business
- Assistance
- Banco
LENDING, adjective. That lends.
LENDING, noun. Action of the verb to lend.
LENDING, verb. Present participle of lend
LENDING A HAND, verb. Present participle of lend a hand
LENDING AN EAR, verb. Present participle of lend an ear
LENDING HAND, noun. A helping hand.
LENDING HANDS, noun. Plural of lending hand
LENDING LIBRARY, noun. A library from which books are lent out.
Dictionary definition
LENDING, noun. Disposing of money or property with the expectation that the same thing (or an equivalent) will be returned.
Wise words
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed
in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy,