Associations to the word «Broker»
- Ceasefire
- Truce
- Dealer
- Compromise
- Insurance
- Mediator
- Deal
- Agreement
- Transaction
- Negotiation
- Sale
- Estate
- Exchange
- Peace
- Deposit
- Investment
- Loan
- Purchase
- Regulator
- Agent
- Sell
- Mortgage
- Banking
- Lender
- Asset
- Security
- Custom
- Cease
- Somalia
- Acquisition
- Programming
- Accord
- Commission
- Buyer
- Owner
- Broker
- Seller
- Banker
- Pawn
- Islamist
- Ars
- Investor
- Commodity
- Stock
- Croat
- Pact
- Envoy
- Syrian
- Trading
- Comanche
- Newscast
- Reconciliation
- Tripoli
- Client
- Format
- Airing
- Accountant
- Lending
- Trader
- Firm
- Swap
- Treaty
- Lebanon
- Hostility
- Palestinian
- Mediation
- Gardening
- Financier
- Referral
- Sec
- Nations
- Faction
- Leverage
- Weekend
- Gaza
- Kabul
BROKER, adjective. Comparative form of broke: more broke
BROKER, noun. A mediator between a buyer and seller.
BROKER, noun. (computing) An agent involved in the exchange of messages or transactions.
BROKER, verb. To act as a broker; to mediate in a sale or transaction.
Dictionary definition
BROKER, noun. A businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission.
BROKER, verb. Act as a broker.
Wise words
Every creature is a word of God.