Associations to the word «Newscast»
- Simulcast
- Affiliate
- Anchor
- Airing
- Eyewitness
- Cw
- Dt
- Branding
- Weekend
- News
- Cbc
- Programming
- Flagship
- Broadcast
- Noon
- Hd
- Telecast
- Abc
- Upgrade
- Headline
- Tv
- Fox
- Slot
- Definition
- Forecast
- Abs
- Evening
- Graphic
- Graphics
- Broadcasting
- Rating
- Affiliation
- Station
- Ld
- Emmy
- Cancellation
- Insert
- Hour
- Segment
- Mindanao
- Sinclair
- Reporter
- Daybreak
- Viewer
- Coverage
- Syndication
- Pm
- Tonight
- Update
- Channel
- Network
- Saturday
- Half
- Lineup
- Pax
- Format
- Nielsen
- Monday
- Market
NEWSCAST, noun. A broadcast of the news; a news report that is transmitted over the air for television, radio, etc.
Dictionary definition
NEWSCAST, noun. A broadcast of news or commentary on the news.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.