Associations to the word «Disclosure»
- Jd
- Aba
- Lobbying
- Transparency
- Privacy
- Nsa
- Filing
- Surveillance
- Vulnerability
- Graduation
- Accountability
- Secrecy
- Reporting
- Therapist
- Exemption
- Audit
- Requiring
- Sec
- Compliance
- Consent
- Openness
- Concealment
- Intimacy
- Accounting
- Requirement
- Investor
- Reprisal
- Mailing
- Information
- Ethics
- Insider
- Employment
- Mortgage
- Dissemination
- Xvi
- Litigation
- Lending
- Misuse
- Oversight
- Lender
- Liability
- Shareholder
- Nine
- Stigma
- Defendant
- Tort
- Patent
- Avoidance
- Legislature
- Plaintiff
- Irs
- Entity
- Fraud
- Authorization
- Invention
- Misconduct
- Prosecution
- Expenditure
- Practitioner
- Regulation
- Notification
- Leak
- Revelation
- Statement
- Violation
- Obligation
DISCLOSURE, noun. The act of revealing something.
DISCLOSURE, noun. (legal) The making known of a previously hidden fact or series of facts to another party; the act of disclosing.
DISCLOSURE, noun. (legal) A previously hidden fact or series of facts that is made known.
Dictionary definition
DISCLOSURE, noun. The speech act of making something evident.
Wise words
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more
value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an
idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words,
but a great deal in a few.