Associations to the word «Nonprofit»
- Irs
- Philanthropy
- Fundraising
- Organization
- Advocacy
- Private
- Donor
- Donation
- Foundation
- Sector
- Profit
- Corporation
- Lobbying
- Volunteer
- Accountability
- Exemption
- Entity
- Public
- Charity
- Independent
- Partnership
- Quarterly
- Fund
- Stakeholder
- Business
- Membership
- Tax
- Healthcare
- Agency
- Preservation
- Outreach
- Governance
- Funding
- Provider
- Qc
- Trafficking
- Institution
- Initiative
- Endowment
- Revenue
- Lending
- Transparency
- Marketing
- Professional
- Trustee
- Grant
- Coalition
- Ceo
- Alliance
- Leadership
- Resource
- Program
- Consultant
- Community
- Adolescent
- Enterprise
- Institute
- Benefit
- Insurance
- Consumer
- Advocate
- Entrepreneur
- Association
NONPROFIT, adjective. Not seeking to produce a profit (a financial gain).
NONPROFIT, noun. An organization that exists for reasons other than to make a profit, such as a charitable, educational or service organization.
Dictionary definition
NONPROFIT, noun. An organization chartered for other than profit-making activities.
NONPROFIT, adjective. Not commercially motivated.
Wise words
The short words are best, and the old words are the best of