Associations to the word «Salary»


SALARY, noun. A fixed amount of money paid to a worker, usually measured on a monthly or annual basis, not hourly, as wages. Implies a degree of professionalism and/or autonomy.
SALARY, verb. To pay on the basis of a period of a week or longer, especially to convert from another form of compensation.
SALARY, adjective. (obsolete) saline
SALARY CAP, noun. A limit on the salaries paid to the employees of an organization imposed by government or some other body
SALARY PACKAGING, noun. The inclusion of employee benefits in a remuneration package in exchange for giving up part of the monetary salary.
SALARY SACRIFICE, noun. The process where some of an employee's pay is retained by the employer to cover benefits such as parking, childcare, or meals.

Dictionary definition

SALARY, noun. Something that remunerates; "wages were paid by check"; "he wasted his pay on drink"; "they saved a quarter of all their earnings".

Wise words

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
Mother Teresa