Associations to the word «Employer»
- Employee
- Bargaining
- Payroll
- Workplace
- Wage
- Hiring
- Employment
- Workforce
- Liability
- Worker
- Premium
- Hire
- Applicant
- Harassment
- Insurance
- Medicare
- Dismissal
- Workman
- Pension
- Discrimination
- Compensation
- Deduction
- Laborer
- Negligence
- Arbitration
- Tort
- Labor
- Unemployment
- Union
- Irs
- Salary
- Labourer
- Maternity
- Employ
- Seeker
- Apprenticeship
- Redundancy
- Recruitment
- Contractor
- Benefit
- Termination
- Disability
- Productivity
- Incentive
- Job
- Capitalist
- Taxpayer
- Pay
- Confederation
- Plaintiff
- Grievance
- Healthcare
- Overtime
- Obligation
- Tax
- Beneficiary
- Labour
- Internship
- Visa
- Payment
- Misconduct
- Exemption
- Fairness
- Mandate
- Ada
- Contribution
- Coverage
EMPLOYER, noun. A person, firm or other entity which pays for or hires the services of another person.
Dictionary definition
EMPLOYER, noun. A person or firm that employs workers.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.