Associations to the word «Payroll»
- Deduction
- Pension
- Medicare
- Employer
- Tax
- Accounting
- Billing
- Employee
- Payment
- Irs
- Hr
- Salary
- Robbery
- Premium
- Unemployment
- Accountant
- Marlin
- Excise
- Check
- Insurance
- Wage
- Procurement
- Fund
- Taxpayer
- Ledger
- Taxation
- Revenue
- Purchasing
- Earning
- Benefit
- Recruitment
- Employment
- Exemption
- Filing
- Cia
- Workforce
- Expense
- Receipt
- Income
- Inventory
- Cartel
- Audit
- Hiring
- Compliance
- Processing
- Informer
- Sales
- Worker
- Pennsylvania
- Compensation
- Pay
- Provider
- Budget
- Privatization
- Exception
- Expiration
- Security
- Finance
- Software
- Deficit
- Employ
- Teacher
- Dividend
- Contractor
- Recession
- Paying
- Expenditure
- Bandit
- Hire
- Banco
- Percentage
- Contribution
- Defi
PAYROLL, noun. A list of employees who receive salary or wages, together with the amounts due to each.
PAYROLL, noun. The total sum of money paid to employees.
PAYROLL, noun. (computing) The series of accounting transactions that ensure that employees are paid correctly, and that all taxes etc are properly deducted; the department in a company responsible for it.
PAYROLL, noun. (euphemistic) Bribes paid to people
PAYROLL, verb. (transitive) To place on a payroll.
Dictionary definition
PAYROLL, noun. A list of employees and their salaries; "the company had a long payroll".
PAYROLL, noun. The total amount of money paid in wages; "the company had a large payroll".
PAYROLL, noun. The department that determines the amounts of wage or salary due to each employee.
Wise words
The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and
nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar