Associations to the word «Cass»
- Elliot
- Mama
- Dion
- Zachary
- Polly
- Gilbert
- Leech
- Lyman
- Lewis
- Frank
- Peggy
- Fargo
- Township
- Loren
- Detroit
- Doherty
- Godfrey
- Myrtle
- County
- Cassandra
- Pennant
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Buchanan
- Jester
- Dakota
- Whig
- Bowie
- Indiana
- Fleetwood
- Curtis
- Papa
- Winthrop
- Nook
- Portland
- Denny
- Ernest
- Boone
- Woodward
- Comp
- Tech
- Wilfred
- Iowa
- Titus
- Ridley
- Cherokee
- Linden
- Internment
- Pleasant
- Osborn
- Noah
- Forsyth
- London
- Nebraska
- Shelby
- Fulton
- Sovereignty
- Benton
- Missouri
- Silas
- Methodist
- Crosby
- Frankie
- Avenue
- Debra
- Hubbard
- Ramsey
- Whitehall
- Surveyor
- Calhoun
- Logging
- Territorial
- Marion
- Jen
- Hancock
- Architect
- Melanie
- Goldstein
- Henley
- Skyscraper
- Bates
- Mcguire
- Browne
- Duluth
- Dale
- Barnet
- Dobson
- Illinois
- Harrison
CASS, proper noun. A medieval diminutive of the female given name Cassandra, later also used for Cassidy, and Catherine with its variant forms.
CASS, proper noun. A matronymic surname.
CASS, proper noun. A male given name transferred from the surname; also a diminutive of Cassius.
CASS, verb. (obsolete) (transitive) To render useless or void; to annul; to reject; to send away.
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.