Associations to the word «Barre»
- Wilkes
- Scranton
- Somalia
- Susquehanna
- Penguin
- Lehigh
- Yankee
- Mohamed
- Vermont
- Aaa
- Triple
- Pennsylvania
- Trenton
- Wheeling
- Harrisburg
- Affiliate
- Wyoming
- Calder
- Easton
- Quadrangle
- Rutland
- Pamela
- Chord
- Des
- Argus
- Weston
- Chevalier
- Jour
- Fin
- Stout
- Phillips
- Bailiff
- Raymond
- Regime
- Granite
- Pa
- Syndrome
- Pittsburgh
- Bayou
- Dictator
- Turnpike
- Voltaire
- Mohammed
- Baron
- Engraver
- Sclerosis
- Fret
- Pointe
- Waiver
- Arboretum
- Shire
- Ethiopia
- François
- Fallout
- Pioneer
- Gaston
- Auguste
- Worcester
- Batavia
- Hanover
- Aden
- Ballet
- Levee
- Pol
- Antoine
- Coup
- Paralysis
- Penn
- Goldstein
- Kingston
- Jacques
- Lancaster
- Downtown
- Clipper
- Waller
- Riff
- Overthrow
- Ware
- Bethlehem
- Sorcery
- Meditation
- Pomp
- Ahmed
- Plymouth
- Coal
- Gopher
- Michel
- Watershed
- Bassist
- Soviets
BARRE, noun. (ballet) A handrail fixed to a wall used for ballet exercises.
BARRE CHORD, noun. A guitar chord played by pressing down multiple strings on the fretboard.
Wise words
We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control
our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we
are then master of the situation.