Associations to the word «Kingston»
- Jamaica
- Thames
- Hull
- Rover
- Mcgill
- Ontario
- Trio
- Lacy
- Surrey
- Reggae
- Croydon
- Wakefield
- Whig
- Orton
- Marley
- Yorkshire
- Sean
- Beverley
- Huddersfield
- Merton
- Raw
- Rhode
- Leeds
- Pembroke
- Scarborough
- Guildford
- Salford
- Epsom
- Knoxville
- Montreal
- Wigan
- Dorset
- Ottawa
- Wimbledon
- Regatta
- Dockyard
- Peterborough
- Dorchester
- Halifax
- Seton
- Ulster
- Niagara
- Wembley
- Warrington
- Indies
- Plymouth
- Mines
- Borough
- Sutton
- Portsmouth
- Bourne
- Pike
- Bromley
- Margo
- Hampton
- Barre
- Tag
- Richmond
- Mcintyre
- Barrie
- Sudbury
- Shane
- Woodstock
- Craven
- Evelyn
- Toronto
- Eddie
- Rochdale
- Hobart
- Flyer
- Kidd
- Kitchener
- Queen
- Clinch
- Wick
- Bradford
- Hawker
- Waterloo
- Oxfordshire
- Doncaster
- Jericho
- Hurley
- Loyalist
- Canada
- Wilkes
- Rematch
- Ska
- Waterfront
- Cody
- Kensington
- Ri
- Greenwich
- Lincolnshire
- Woods
- Agnes
- Viscount
KINGSTON, proper noun. The capital of Jamaica.
KINGSTON, proper noun. A London borough, formally Kingston upon Thames.
KINGSTON, proper noun. Any of various towns or cities in the UK, US, Canada or Australia.
KINGSTON UPON HULL, proper noun. A city in East Riding of Yorkshire, England, also known as Hull
KINGSTON UPON THAMES, proper noun. An ancient market town, now a London borough officially called the Royal London Borough of Kingston upon Thames.
KINGSTON VALVE, noun. A valve fitted in the bottom of a ship's fuel, water or ballast tank that allows seawater to enter for the purposes of cleaning and to admit water ballast.
KINGSTON VALVES, noun. Plural of Kingston valve
Dictionary definition
KINGSTON, noun. A town on the Hudson River in New York.
KINGSTON, noun. A town in southeast Ontario on Lake Ontario near the head of the Saint Lawrence River.
KINGSTON, noun. Capital and largest city of Jamaica.
Wise words
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