Associations to the word «Portsmouth»
- Dockyard
- Hampshire
- Southampton
- Refit
- Shipyard
- Spartan
- Wight
- Bournemouth
- Guildford
- Tottenham
- Hms
- Naval
- Hotspur
- Havre
- Pompey
- Norfolk
- Plymouth
- Fulham
- Chesapeake
- Chichester
- Aldershot
- Chatham
- Gunnery
- Overhaul
- Harbour
- Flotilla
- Newport
- Sunderland
- Middlesbrough
- Rhode
- Brighton
- Swindon
- Keel
- Luton
- Trafalgar
- Argyle
- Bilbao
- Watford
- Wolverhampton
- Cardiff
- Hm
- Burnley
- Milford
- Dover
- Admiralty
- Albion
- Hampton
- Wembley
- Maine
- Fa
- Hove
- Blackburn
- Cornwallis
- Barnsley
- Ham
- Exeter
- Russo
- Relegation
- Poole
- Sloop
- Coventry
- Winchester
- Stagecoach
- Yarmouth
- Northampton
- Chelsea
- Dominica
- Compact
- Charlton
- Roanoke
- Ipswich
- Wanderer
- Waterloo
- Navy
- Ferry
- Colchester
- Aston
- Virginia
- Wigan
- Grimsby
- Huddersfield
- Dickens
- Frigate
- Leicester
- Hutchinson
- Pembroke
- Swansea
- Nottingham
- Bristol
- Bolton
- Arsenal
- Kingston
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A city in southern England
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A town in Dominica
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A city in Iowa
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A city in New Hampshire
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A city in Ohio
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A town in Rhode Island
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A city in Virginia
Dictionary definition
PORTSMOUTH, noun. A port city in southeastern Virginia on the Elizabeth River opposite Norfolk; naval base; shipyards.
PORTSMOUTH, noun. A port town in southeastern New Hampshire on the Atlantic Ocean.
PORTSMOUTH, noun. A port city in southern England on the English Channel; Britain's major naval base.
Wise words
Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause.