Associations to the word «Chesapeake»
- Potomac
- Bay
- Susquehanna
- Cornwallis
- Annapolis
- Maryland
- Hampton
- Norfolk
- Delaware
- Waterman
- Oyster
- Ohio
- Watershed
- Jamestown
- Serge
- Leopard
- Deserter
- Canal
- Calvert
- Shannon
- Virginia
- Estuary
- Baltimore
- Marquette
- Roanoke
- Williamsburg
- Barron
- Lighthouse
- Portsmouth
- Frigate
- Flotilla
- Pere
- Havre
- Crab
- Arena
- Pepsi
- Newport
- Huntington
- Graves
- Md
- Severn
- Biological
- Kendrick
- Allegheny
- Tobacco
- Tributary
- Staple
- Schooner
- Shoreline
- Railroad
- Uss
- Clipper
- Shoal
- Blockade
- Background
- Reggie
- Elk
- Waterway
- Gunnery
- Oklahoma
- Hms
- Seafood
- Sloop
- Planter
- Laker
- Steamboat
- Lacrosse
- Shore
- Suffolk
- Peninsula
- Georgetown
- Erie
- Inlet
- Caribbean
- Cod
- Coloni
- Departed
- Charleston
- Halifax
- Dorchester
- Cape
- Atlantic
- Cumberland
- Toyota
- Richmond
- Amtrak
CHESAPEAKE, noun. (historical) Any member of a Native American tribe that once inhabited the area now known as South Hampton Roads in Virginia, United States.
CHESAPEAKE BAY, proper noun. An estuary lying inland from the Atlantic Ocean surrounded by the states of Maryland and Virginia.
Wise words
Suit the action to the word, the word to the action.