Associations to the word «Portsmouth»
- Manchuria
- Williamsburg
- Wentworth
- Suffolk
- Croydon
- Flagship
- Duchess
- Shipbuilding
- Wessex
- Departed
- Gibraltar
- Salisbury
- Newcastle
- Sheffield
- Isle
- Blackpool
- Norwich
- Fleet
- Manchester
- Stockport
- Regis
- Liverpool
- Convict
- Peterborough
- Quay
- Crouch
- Hulk
- Enrichment
- Rover
- Birmingham
- Athletic
- Fortification
- Concord
- Alton
- Loan
- Brest
- Va
- Greenwich
- Dock
- Goalkeeper
- Guernsey
- Midshipman
- Ohio
- Earthwork
- Brittany
- Admiral
- Leeds
- Appleton
- Doncaster
- Handicap
- Oldham
- Barracks
- Convoy
- Sailing
- Turnpike
- Royal
- Ganges
- Commissioning
- Electrification
- Sussex
- Nugent
- Derby
- Signing
- Tyne
- Mansfield
- Greyhound
- Warship
- Warwick
- Madras
- Egan
- Destroyer
- Striker
- Shawnee
- Battleship
- Tow
- Indies
- Archdeacon
- Providence
- Chesterfield
- Britannia
- Gloucester
- Premiership
- Albans
- Cruise
- Uss
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A city in southern England
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A town in Dominica
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A city in Iowa
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A city in New Hampshire
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A city in Ohio
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A town in Rhode Island
PORTSMOUTH, proper noun. A city in Virginia
Dictionary definition
PORTSMOUTH, noun. A port city in southeastern Virginia on the Elizabeth River opposite Norfolk; naval base; shipyards.
PORTSMOUTH, noun. A port town in southeastern New Hampshire on the Atlantic Ocean.
PORTSMOUTH, noun. A port city in southern England on the English Channel; Britain's major naval base.
Wise words
Abuse of words has been the great instrument of sophistry
and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.