Associations to the word «Surrey»
- Guildford
- Croydon
- Epsom
- Middlesex
- Sussex
- Thames
- Oval
- Nottinghamshire
- Berkshire
- Buckinghamshire
- Hertfordshire
- Baronetage
- Warwickshire
- Gloucestershire
- Leicestershire
- Kent
- Baronetcy
- Kew
- Wicket
- Waverley
- Glamorgan
- Beatty
- Downs
- Northamptonshire
- Worcestershire
- Kingston
- Hobbs
- Sutton
- Toss
- Richmond
- Hampshire
- Oxfordshire
- Merton
- Crawley
- Langley
- Cricket
- Essex
- Cricketer
- Walton
- Bowler
- Batsman
- Yeomanry
- Bedfordshire
- Derbyshire
- Heath
- Wiltshire
- Hove
- Wimbledon
- Wyatt
- Aldershot
- Inning
- Earl
- Norwood
- Quay
- Aerodrome
- Somerset
- Cambridgeshire
- Dorset
- Yorkshire
- Xi
- Lancashire
- Ripley
- Holloway
- Peerage
- Thorpe
- Borough
- Bowling
- Cheltenham
- Norfolk
- Hurst
- Archdeacon
- Lincolnshire
- England
- Sheen
- Wight
- Gloucester
- Batting
- Staffordshire
- Sonnet
- Bromley
- Milford
- Manor
- Devon
- Wessex
- Taunton
- Domesday
- Advertiser
- Regiment
- Westminster
- Compton
- Geraldine
- Fleetwood
- Cheshire
- British
SURREY, proper noun. An inland county of South East England bordered by Greater London, Hampshire, Kent, West Sussex, East Sussex and Berkshire.
SURREY, proper noun. A city in British Columbia, Canada, near Vancouver.
SURREY, proper noun. A city in North Dakota, USA
SURREY, noun. (historical) A light American horse-drawn carriage seating two or four people.
SURREY GIRL, noun. (Greater Vancouver) A stereotype of a young woman from Surrey, British Columbia, characterized as unintelligent and promiscuous.
SURREY GIRLS, noun. Plural of Surrey girl
Dictionary definition
SURREY, noun. A county in southeastern England on the Thames.
SURREY, noun. A light four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; has two or four seats.
Wise words
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and
health to the bones.