Associations to the word «Essex»
- Colchester
- Harlow
- Hertfordshire
- Suffolk
- Cambridgeshire
- Middlesex
- Walden
- Bedfordshire
- Anglia
- Yeomanry
- Northamptonshire
- V6
- Peabody
- Newark
- Leicestershire
- Earl
- Buckinghamshire
- Worcestershire
- Sussex
- Kent
- Wessex
- Hatfield
- Surrey
- Nottinghamshire
- Baronetage
- Newbury
- Glamorgan
- Hereford
- Windsor
- Salem
- Gloucestershire
- Rectory
- Baronetcy
- Wicket
- Parliamentarian
- Royalist
- Warwickshire
- County
- Derbyshire
- Berkshire
- Ipswich
- Waller
- Norfolk
- Caldwell
- Gloucester
- Thames
- Somerset
- Champlain
- Burnham
- Searchlight
- Batsman
- Cromwell
- Estuary
- Rutland
- Massachusetts
- Northampton
- Bloomfield
- Bergen
- Whaler
- Lincolnshire
- Crouch
- Chatham
- Staffordshire
- Oxfordshire
- Lancashire
- Jersey
- Pollard
- Fairfield
- Shire
- Bowler
- Saratoga
- Enfield
- Ham
- Raleigh
- Wiltshire
- Rector
- Sudbury
- Cricket
- Northumberland
- Cricketer
- Fell
- Monmouth
- Hampshire
- Priory
- Whale
- Leicester
- Yorkshire
- Vermont
- Unitarian
- Windmill
- Sharpe
- Archdeacon
- Leigh
- England
- Uss
- Hackney
- Dorset
ESSEX, proper noun. A surname.
ESSEX, proper noun. A maritime county of England bordered by the North Sea, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Greater London, and separated from Kent by the Thames estuary.
ESSEX, proper noun. A town in Connecticut
ESSEX, proper noun. A village in Illinois
ESSEX, proper noun. A city in Iowa
ESSEX, proper noun. A city in Missouri
ESSEX, proper noun. A town in New York
ESSEX, proper noun. A town and county in Ontario, Canada
ESSEX, proper noun. A town in Vermont
ESSEX GIRL, noun. (British) (pejorative) A stereotype of a young woman from Essex or the Home Counties, characterized as unintelligent, promiscuous and materialistic.
ESSEX GIRLS, noun. Plural of Essex girl
ESSEX MAN, noun. (British) (pejorative) A stereotype of a working class conservative voter in the south-east of England, characterized by brash and right wing views and few cultural or intellectual interests but an interest in wealth and material goods.
ESSEX SKIPPER, noun. A small, bright orange and brown butterfly, Thymelicus lineola, of the family Hesperiidae. Also known as the European skipper
ESSEX SKIPPERS, noun. Plural of Essex skipper
Dictionary definition
ESSEX, noun. A county in southeastern England on the North Sea and the Thames estuary.
Wise words
However many holy words you read, however many you speak,
what good will they do you if you do not act upon them?