Associations to the word «Windsor»
- Merry
- Spitfire
- Berkshire
- Eton
- Slough
- Ontario
- Wallis
- Castle
- Duchess
- Chapel
- Hartford
- Stall
- Canon
- Buckingham
- Vermont
- Peggy
- Detroit
- Connecticut
- Kitchener
- Essex
- V8
- Chrysler
- Saxe
- Clive
- Scotia
- Racecourse
- Buckinghamshire
- Sudbury
- Parramatta
- Mercer
- Thames
- Annapolis
- Chatham
- Rutland
- Riverside
- Enfield
- Waterloo
- Halifax
- Bertie
- Lancer
- Barbara
- Archdeacon
- Dorchester
- Vinci
- Plymouth
- Sandwich
- Safari
- Airlift
- Shakespeare
- Midsummer
- Bloomfield
- Falls
- Verity
- Nova
- Belfast
- Barrie
- Viii
- Ottawa
- Lock
- Clair
- Woodstock
- Westminster
- Cbc
- Constable
- Kensington
- Riding
- Kew
- Henley
- Newbury
- Wessex
- Dt
- Terrace
- Newmarket
- Duke
- Peterborough
- Niagara
- Ado
- Claire
- Baroness
- Donna
- Aldershot
- Shoal
- Amtrak
- Bradley
- Wight
- Ivor
- Surrey
- Avon
- Labrador
- Dean
- Bulldog
- Ct
- Lacy
- Hampton
- Camilla
WINDSOR, proper noun. A town in Berkshire, England - famous for Windsor Castle
WINDSOR, proper noun. Several other places in England, Australia, Canada and the United States
WINDSOR, proper noun. A habitational surname from the town in Berkshire.
WINDSOR, proper noun. A male given name transferred from the surname.
WINDSOR, proper noun. The Royal House of Windsor
WINDSOR KNOT, noun. A wide triangular knot of a particular sort in a necktie.
WINDSOR KNOTS, noun. Plural of Windsor knot
Dictionary definition
WINDSOR, noun. A city in southeastern Ontario on the Detroit River opposite Detroit.
WINDSOR, noun. The British royal family since 1917.
Wise words
Watch your thoughts, they become your words. Watch your
words, they become your actions. Watch your actions, they
become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your
character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.