Associations to the word «Verity»
- Chivalry
- Galen
- Lambert
- Terence
- Fitz
- Kettle
- Loki
- Bowler
- Wicket
- Waiting
- Spinner
- Donna
- Firth
- Ballard
- Duchy
- Bowling
- Yorkshire
- Beverley
- Pretender
- Windsor
- Batsman
- Coventry
- Skill
- Scraping
- Cyril
- Scroll
- Hutton
- Facsimile
- Dragon
- Warship
- Lag
- Tiding
- Shawl
- Starling
- Minstrel
- Clarkson
- Hammond
- Nora
- Wilfred
- Stump
- Redoubt
- Ned
- Nottinghamshire
- Molly
- Abe
- Ax
- Deutsch
- Finch
- Telling
- Maid
- Consecration
- Damien
- Gospel
- Fingertip
- Rhodes
- Inning
- Se
- Embroidery
- Kitten
- Disdain
- Bride
- Rus
- Quarry
- Newman
- Goddard
- Constance
- Bess
VERITY, noun. (archaic) Truth, fact or reality, especially an enduring religious or ethical truth.
VERITY, noun. A true statement; an established doctrine.
VERITY, proper noun. A female given name derived from the Latin for truth; one of the Puritan virtue names.
Dictionary definition
VERITY, noun. Conformity to reality or actuality; "they debated the truth of the proposition"; "the situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military threat"; "he was famous for the truth of his portraits"; "he turned to religion in his search for eternal verities".
VERITY, noun. An enduring or necessary ethical or religious or aesthetic truth.
Wise words
A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged; it is
the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in color
and content according to the circumstances and time in which
it is used.