Associations to the word «Bastard»
BASTARD, noun. A person who was born out of wedlock, and hence often considered an illegitimate descendant.
BASTARD, noun. A mongrel. A biological cross between different breeds, groups or varieties.
BASTARD, noun. (vulgar) (referring to a man) A contemptible, inconsiderate, overly or arrogantly rude or spiteful person. See asshole, sod.
BASTARD, noun. (often humorous) A man, a fellow, a male friend.
BASTARD, noun. (often preceded by 'poor') A person deserving of pity.
BASTARD, noun. (informal) A child who does not know his or her father.
BASTARD, noun. (informal) Something extremely difficult or unpleasant to deal with.
BASTARD, noun. A variation that is not genuine; something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin, fake or counterfeit.
BASTARD, noun. An intermediate-grade file; also bastard file.
BASTARD, noun. A sweet wine.
BASTARD, noun. A sword that is midway in length between a short-sword and a long sword; also bastard sword.
BASTARD, noun. An inferior quality of soft brown sugar, obtained from syrups that have been boiled several times.
BASTARD, noun. A large mould for straining sugar.
BASTARD, noun. A writing paper of a particular size.
BASTARD, adjective. Of or like a bastard (illegitimate human descendant)
BASTARD, adjective. Of or like a bastard (bad person)
BASTARD, adjective. Of or like a mongrel, bastardized creature/cross
BASTARD, adjective. Of abnormal, irregular or otherwise inferior qualities (size, shape etc.)
BASTARD, adjective. Spurious, lacking authenticity: counterfeit, fake
BASTARD, adjective. (UK) (vulgar) Very unpleasant.
BASTARD, adjective. (printing) Abbreviated, as the half title in a page preceding the full title page of a book.
BASTARD, interjection. (rare) (vulgar) Exclamation of strong dismay or strong sense of being upset.
BASTARD, verb. (obsolete) To bastardize.
BASTARD ASHLAR, noun. Stones for ashlar work, roughly squared at the quarry.
BASTARD EIGNE, noun. A bastard eldest son whose parents afterwards intermarry.
BASTARD FILE, noun. A file of intermediate cut, neither very rough nor very smooth.
BASTARD GEMSBOK, noun. Roan antelope
BASTARD MAHOGANY, noun. (AU) Any of various eucalypts with hard wood, especially Eucalyptus botryoides.
BASTARD MAHOGANY, noun. (West Indies) A tree of the soapberry family, Matayba apetala.
BASTARD MANCHINEEL, noun. Cameraria latifolia, a tree of the East Indies, having similar poisonous properties to those of the manchineel.
BASTARD MANCHINEELS, noun. Plural of bastard manchineel
BASTARD OPERATOR FROM HELL, noun. (slang) (computing) a rogue system administrator who abuses users on the system that he or she operates, when he or she thinks they are annoying (being lusers)
BASTARD OPERATORS FROM HELL, noun. Plural of bastard operator from hell
BASTARD PENNYROYAL, noun. A plant, blue curls.
BASTARD PIMPERNEL, noun. Alternative name for chaffweed.
BASTARD SUGAR, noun. Light brown sugar
BASTARD SWORD, noun. Any of the large, straight-bladed European swords used with either one or two hands; a longsword.
BASTARD SWORDS, noun. Plural of bastard sword
BASTARD TRUMPETER, noun. A trumpeter (fish) of the species Latridopsis forsteri
BASTARD TRUMPETERS, noun. Plural of bastard trumpeter
BASTARD TYPE, noun. (printing) (historical) Type having the face of a larger or smaller size than the body.
BASTARD UMBRELLA THORN, noun. Acacia luederitzii, a tree of Namibia.
BASTARD VERDICT, noun. The verdict of "Not proven" in Scottish law.
BASTARD WING, noun. A tuft of feathers borne by the bony thumb-like structure in a bird's wing; alula.
BASTARD WINGS, noun. Plural of bastard wing
Dictionary definition
BASTARD, noun. Insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous.
BASTARD, noun. The illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents.
BASTARD, noun. Derogatory term for a variation that is not genuine; something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin; "the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic".
BASTARD, adjective. Fraudulent; having a misleading appearance.
Wise words
All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast
of the mind.