Associations to the word «Filthy»
- Rag
- Filth
- Foul
- Dirt
- Slime
- Swine
- Whore
- Gutter
- Stench
- Thirteen
- Rich
- Louse
- Tenement
- Bastard
- Sore
- Stink
- Obscenity
- Righteousness
- Beggar
- Mattress
- Hag
- Mud
- Clothes
- Odour
- Straw
- Brute
- Garment
- Wretch
- Ignorant
- Bandage
- Tunic
- Spat
- Grease
- Lust
- Dung
- Brat
- Trouser
- Beard
- Blanket
- Puddle
- Habit
- Sweat
- Bitch
- Fingernail
- Alley
- Shack
- Sewer
- Pig
- Distaste
- Vulture
- Robe
- Clothing
- Bathe
- Fifteen
FILTHY, adjective. Covered with filth; very dirty.
FILTHY, adjective. Obscene or offensive.
FILTHY, adjective. Very unpleasant or disagreeable.
FILTHY DIRTY, adjective. (British) Extremely dirty; filthy.
FILTHY LUCRE, noun. (idiomatic) money (used with contempt or condemnation)
FILTHY RICH, adjective. (idiomatic) Very rich (wealthy).
Dictionary definition
FILTHY, adjective. Disgustingly dirty; filled or smeared with offensive matter; "as filthy as a pigsty"; "a foul pond"; "a nasty pigsty of a room".
FILTHY, adjective. Vile; despicable; "a dirty (or lousy) trick"; "a filthy traitor".
FILTHY, adjective. Characterized by obscenity; "had a filthy mouth"; "foul language"; "smutty jokes".
Wise words
False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect
the soul with evil.