Associations to the word «Bayou»
- Levee
- Louisiana
- Cypress
- Vicksburg
- Bucks
- Galveston
- Alligator
- Swamp
- Macon
- Steele
- Bray
- Mound
- Waterway
- Slough
- Buffalo
- Mississippi
- Orleans
- Baton
- Houston
- Bartholomew
- Rouge
- Armand
- Pensacola
- Magnolia
- Iberia
- Bluff
- Lafayette
- Plantation
- Gunboat
- Wetland
- Arkansas
- Bend
- Harrisburg
- Cane
- Seafood
- Confluence
- Oak
- Barre
- Prairie
- Pointe
- Sara
- Crosse
- Barge
- Portage
- Sims
- Cedar
- Steamboat
- Boogie
- Marsh
- Tributary
- Gulf
- Classic
- Castor
- Beast
- Dogs
- Catfish
- Confederate
- Katrina
- Sunflower
- Jak
- Hogg
- Texas
- Parkland
- Sherman
- Vista
- Parish
- La
- Greenville
- Skirmish
- Oaks
- Clam
- Burnham
- Wildlife
- Beaumont
- Queue
- Dickinson
- Schooner
- Fusilier
- Downtown
- Turtle
- Pasadena
- Shrimp
BAYOU, noun. A slow-moving, often stagnant creek or river.
BAYOU, noun. A swamp, a marshy (stagnant) body of water.
BAYOU STATE, proper noun. Mississippi
Dictionary definition
BAYOU, noun. A swampy arm or slow-moving outlet of a lake (term used mainly in Mississippi and Louisiana).
Wise words
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