Associations to the word «Dixie»

Pictures for the word «Dixie»


DIXIE, proper noun. (informal) (US) The southern United States; the South.
DIXIE, proper noun. (informal) (US) The southwestern corner of Utah.
DIXIE, proper noun. (US) A female given name transferred from the place name.
DIXIE, noun. (military) A large iron pot, used in the army.
DIXIE CUP, noun. Alternative letter-case form of Dixie cup
DIXIE CUP, noun. Alternative letter-case form of Dixie cup
DIXIE CUP, noun. (North America) A disposable paper cup, sometimes waxed, especially used for individual servings of iced desserts.
DIXIE CUPS, noun. Plural of dixie cup
DIXIE CUPS, noun. Plural of Dixie Cup
DIXIE CUPS, noun. Plural of Dixie cup

Dictionary definition

DIXIE, noun. The southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861.
DIXIE, noun. A large metal pot (12 gallon camp kettle) for cooking; used in military camps.

Wise words

Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.
Napoleon Hill