Associations to the word «Baton»
- Rouge
- Louisiana
- Shreveport
- Philharmonic
- Spray
- Orleans
- Pointe
- Zachary
- Lafayette
- Bayou
- Marshal
- Maestro
- Vicksburg
- Protester
- Asp
- Conductor
- Aquaculture
- Pepper
- Ascension
- Tchaikovsky
- Parish
- Scala
- Katrina
- Demonstrator
- Soloist
- Relay
- Pensacola
- Symphony
- Wand
- Verdi
- Flashlight
- Arturo
- Mississippi
- Firearm
- Orchestra
- Insignia
- Mace
- Concerto
- Livingston
- Levee
- Magnolia
- Riot
- Requiem
- Woody
- Press
- Gonzales
- Handgun
- Capitol
- Dumas
- Chum
- Kimball
- Refinery
- Monroe
- Strauss
- Bernstein
- Alexandria
- Dodd
- State
- Richter
- Holden
- Jenkins
- Conducting
- Advocate
- Premiere
- Dupont
- Vest
- Iberia
- Hammond
- Grimes
- Tko
- Affiliate
- Constable
- Beethoven
- Bernardo
- La
- Pip
- Magnet
- Prom
- Levine
- University
- Policeman
- Prod
- Police
- Handel
Pictures for the word «Baton»
BATON, noun. A staff or truncheon, used for various purposes; as, the baton of a field marshal
BATON, noun. (music) The stick of a conductor in musical performances.
BATON, noun. (sports) An object transferred by runners in a relay race.
BATON, noun. (US) A short stout club used primarily by policemen; a truncheon (UK).
BATON, noun. (heraldiccharge) An abatement in coats of arms to denote illegitimacy. (Also spelled batune, baston).
BATON, noun. (heraldiccharge) A riband with the ends cut off, resembling a baton, as shown on a coat of arms.
BATON, verb. To strike with a baton.
BÂTON, noun. Alternative form of baton
BATON ROUGE, proper noun. A city that is the capital of the state of Louisiana in the United States.
BATON SINISTER, noun. (heraldry) A kind of bend sinister, in which a narrow strip extends from the lower left to the upper right of the shield in a coat of arms but does not extend to the edges of the shield.
Dictionary definition
BATON, noun. A thin tapered rod used by a conductor to lead an orchestra or choir.
BATON, noun. A short stout club used primarily by policemen.
BATON, noun. A short staff carried by some officials to symbolize an office or an authority.
BATON, noun. A hollow metal rod that is wielded or twirled by a drum major or drum majorette.
BATON, noun. A hollow cylinder passed from runner to runner in a relay race.
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