Associations to the word «Arkansas»
- Dorado
- Benton
- Missouri
- Mississippi
- Oklahoma
- Vicksburg
- Springs
- Louisiana
- Faulkner
- Conway
- Eureka
- Shreveport
- Tennessee
- Helena
- Little
- Camden
- Magnolia
- Alabama
- Texas
- Bayou
- Memphis
- Interviewer
- Register
- Gazette
- Clinton
- Tulsa
- Winthrop
- Kansas
- Rock
- Pine
- Rockefeller
- Mcclellan
- Kentucky
- Polk
- Longhorn
- Listing
- Corinth
- Boone
- Southwestern
- Wichita
- Illinois
- County
- Hillary
- Baxter
- Traveler
- Nebraska
- Garland
- Confederate
- Headwater
- Cherokee
- Yell
- Ole
- Highway
- Huntsville
- Quarterly
- Southwest
- Northwest
- Auburn
- Fulton
- Prairie
- Wyoming
- Hendrix
- Lafayette
- Georgia
- Courthouse
- Hutchinson
- Hays
- Militia
- Comanche
- Sulphur
- Infantry
- Iowa
- Pleasant
- Gazetteer
- Dakota
- Tornado
- Ark
- Idaho
- Baylor
- Carolina
- Baptist
- Steele
- Colorado
- Regiment
- Monroe
Pictures for the word «Arkansas»
ARKANSAS, proper noun. A state of the United States of America. Postal code: AR, capital: Little Rock.
ARKANSAS ELEVATION, noun. (US) (slang) A shooter's adjustment by aiming higher than the target's position in the sight to allow for the bullet's drop during travel rather than adjusting the sight.
Dictionary definition
ARKANSAS, noun. A state in south central United States; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War.
ARKANSAS, noun. A river that rises in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and flows southeast through Kansas and Oklahoma and through Arkansas to become a tributary of the Mississippi River.
Wise words
More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the
words men use.