Associations to the word «Haifa»
- Aviv
- Tel
- Carmel
- Nazareth
- Galilee
- Wadi
- Israel
- Palestine
- Jerusalem
- Beirut
- Damascus
- Israeli
- Moshe
- Refinery
- Hebrew
- Subdistrict
- Gan
- Palestinian
- Gaza
- Tripoli
- Olympiad
- Arab
- Mandate
- Acre
- Jewish
- Baghdad
- Abba
- Knesset
- Yam
- Ran
- Exodus
- Dragoon
- Suez
- Jericho
- Seaport
- Katz
- Ibrahim
- Cairo
- Pipeline
- Consulate
- Sammy
- Keyword
- Lebanese
- Lebanon
- Aden
- Ibm
- Tyre
- Levy
- Zanzibar
- Amman
- Mediterranean
- Ara
- Landau
- Bethlehem
- Lev
- Barak
- Bombing
- Zion
- Crusader
- Yeshiva
- Pilgrimage
- Lecturer
- Casablanca
- Cohen
- Port
- Levant
- Shrine
- Mod
- Amar
- Arabic
- Amir
- Bayern
- Alexandria
- Promenade
- Istanbul
- Refugee
- Cyprus
- Curator
- Templar
- Chaim
- Modus
- Rabbi
HAIFA, proper noun. A city in northern Israel.
Dictionary definition
HAIFA, noun. A major port in northwestern Israel.
Wise words
More wisdom is latent in things as they are than in all the
words men use.