Associations to the word «Ibrahim»
- Pasha
- Mohamed
- Vizier
- Ahmad
- Sultan
- Bey
- Mahmoud
- Mahmud
- Ahmed
- Osman
- Muhammad
- Khalid
- Emir
- Hassan
- Sheikh
- Abu
- Maldives
- Abd
- Mohammed
- Musa
- Hussein
- Hasan
- Mirza
- Abdul
- Imam
- Isa
- Ali
- Bin
- Sultanate
- Karim
- Sharif
- Hussain
- Mohammad
- Shah
- Ottoman
- Nigerian
- Kamal
- Hamid
- Abba
- Nasser
- Amin
- Rahman
- Malik
- Amir
- Tun
- Sufi
- Ishmael
- Aleppo
- Caliph
- Omar
- Jamal
- Din
- Malaysian
- Buena
- Kosovo
- Jihad
- Al
- Malaya
- Ottomans
- Wadi
- Lebanese
- Allah
- Khan
- Aden
- Mosque
- Egyptian
- Malay
- Nigeria
- Cairo
- Mughal
- Haifa
- Nawab
- Saudi
- Mecca
- Governorship
- Sudan
- Mariana
- Arabic
- Egypt
- Syria
- Tripoli
- Baghdad
- Quran
- Abraham
- Coup
- Tan
- Albanian
- Niger
- Somalia
IBRAHIM, proper noun. (Islam) The prophet Abraham.
IBRAHIM, proper noun. A male given name.
Dictionary definition
IBRAHIM, noun. The first of the Old Testament patriarchs and the father of Isaac; according to Genesis, God promised to give Abraham's family (the Hebrews) the land of Canaan (the Promised Land); God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son; "Judaism, Christianity, and Islam each has a special claim on Abraham".
Wise words
When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you. When it
is unspoken you reign over it.