Associations to the word «Jamal»
- Ahmad
- Din
- Nasser
- Abu
- Abd
- Faulkner
- Crawford
- Sheikh
- Malik
- Mohammed
- Amin
- Laden
- Ul
- Mohamed
- Kamal
- Muhammad
- Mahmoud
- Pasha
- Rb
- Malcolm
- Hasan
- Abdul
- Mohammad
- Sharif
- Hussein
- Ahmed
- Staple
- Hamid
- Ravens
- Musa
- Sims
- Rahman
- Karim
- Khalid
- Ali
- Mirza
- Shah
- Amir
- Warner
- Ibrahim
- Hussain
- Khan
- Islamic
- Mir
- Al
- Baba
- Palestinian
- Pianist
- Bin
- Mahmud
- Philips
- Hassan
- Gaza
- Sahib
- Bala
- Islam
- Millionaire
- Cookie
- Sultan
- Omar
- Damascus
- Arab
- Lebanese
- Griffin
- Lewis
- Td
- Akbar
- Awakening
- Bahrain
- Elias
- Rushing
- Ester
- Peterson
- Silas
- Sampson
- Palestine
- Beirut
- Wr
- Andre
- Imperialism
- Reggie
- Garner
- Trio
- Jazz
- Theo
- Detainee
- Maverick
- Fars
- Pepsi
- Ad
JAMAL, proper noun. A male given name.
Wise words
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more
value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an
idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words,
but a great deal in a few.