Associations to the word «Jihad»
- Islamic
- Laden
- Islamist
- Palestinian
- Caliphate
- Wal
- Militant
- Gaza
- Islam
- Muslim
- Ul
- Hadith
- Martyrdom
- Allah
- Abu
- Gama
- Abd
- Quran
- Bin
- Khalid
- Terrorism
- Sunni
- Palestine
- Terrorist
- Emir
- Afghanistan
- Ahmad
- Imam
- Caliph
- Operative
- Muhammad
- Mahmoud
- Shia
- Sufi
- Dune
- Al
- Bombing
- Mus
- Mecca
- Crusader
- Sheikh
- Martyr
- Kashmir
- Brotherhood
- Sami
- Mohammed
- Cleric
- Israeli
- Damascus
- Mahmud
- Liberation
- Hasan
- Striving
- Sharif
- Crusade
- Bene
- Yemen
- Syria
- Ahmed
- Lebanese
- Chechen
- Ibrahim
- Mali
- Assassination
- Beirut
- Insurgency
- Struggle
- Amir
- Jurist
- Mosque
- Hassan
- Omar
- Saudi
- Israel
- Iraq
- Mohammad
- Din
- Akbar
- Pakistani
- Alms
- Senegal
- Caucasus
JIHAD, noun. (Islam) A holy war undertaken by Muslims.
JIHAD, noun. An aggressive campaign for an idea.
JIHAD, noun. (theology) a personal spiritual struggle for self-improvement and against evil
JIHAD, verb. To participate in a jihad
Dictionary definition
JIHAD, noun. A holy war waged by Muslims against infidels.
JIHAD, noun. A holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.