Associations to the word «Incite»
- Hatred
- Riot
- Insurrection
- Revolt
- Mutiny
- Violence
- Rebellion
- Defamation
- Unrest
- Overthrow
- Disobedience
- Accused
- Genocide
- Mob
- Jihad
- Discord
- Bloodshed
- Propaganda
- Outrage
- Uprising
- Conspiracy
- Enmity
- Offence
- Terrorism
- Protester
- Lust
- Contempt
- Indictment
- Brawl
- Strife
- Obscenity
- Arson
- Defendant
- Imprisonment
- Hostility
- Ire
- Jealousy
- Accusation
- Breach
- Leaflet
- Prosecutor
- Treason
- Abolitionist
- Ethnic
- Muslim
- Atrocity
- Animosity
- Racism
- Intolerance
- Sabotage
- Cleric
- Separatist
- Utterance
INCITE, verb. To rouse, stir up or excite.
Dictionary definition
INCITE, verb. Give an incentive for action; "This moved me to sacrifice my career".
INCITE, verb. Provoke or stir up; "incite a riot"; "set off great unrest among the people".
INCITE, verb. Urge on; cause to act; "The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window".
Wise words
Speak clearly, if you speak at all; carve every word before
you let it fall.